Math Courses

MATH 0010 Lab for MATH 1010 Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-req: Placement by testing
Co-req: MATH 1010
Completion satisfies Tennessee Board of Regents learning support competencies. A co-requisite math lab for students with math ACT scores below 19 who enroll in MATH 1010.

MATH 0030 Lab for College Math Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: placement by testing
Co-Req: MATH 1030
Completion satisfies Tennessee Board of Regents learning support competencies. A co-requisite math lab for students with math ACT scores below 19 who enroll in MATH 1030.

MATH 0130 Lab for Technical Math Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-req: Placement by testing
Co-req: ENST 1300
A co-requisite math lab for students with math ACT scores below 19 who enroll in ENST 1300 Technical Calculations. Completion satisfies TBR learning support competencies.

MATH 0530 Lab for Math 1530 Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: Placement by Testing
Co-Req: MATH 1530
Completion satisfies Tennessee Board of Regents learning support competencies. A co-requisite math lab for students with math ACT scores below 19 who enroll in MATH 1530.

MATH 0983 Learning Support in Math III Credit Hrs: 3

MATH 1010 Math for General Studies Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: ACT MATH 19
Co-Req: None
This course is designed for students who are seeking an A.S. or A.A. University Parallel degree in a major that does not include programs of science, mathematics, engineering, or computer science. It will satisfy the mathematics requirement for other A.S. and A.A. University parallel majors. Topics include sets, logic, geometry, finance, probability, statistics, and applications.

MATH 1030 Essentials of Mathematics Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: ACT MATH 19
Co-Req: None
An intermediate algebra course with topics including algebra, mathematical models, problem solving, functions, linear functions, systems of linear equations, inequalities, systems of linear inequalities, polynomials, polynomial functions, polynomial factoring, rational expressions, rational functions, rational equations, radicals, radical functions, rational exponents, radical equations, complex numbers, quadratic equations, and quadratic functions.

MATH 1130 College Algebra Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: ACT MATH 19
Co-Req: None
A college algebra course containing a study of expressions, equations, and functions of linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic types. Applications of algebraic concepts will be emphasized throughout the course. This course is a pre-requisite for
MATH 1710 and MATH 1720 for students with less than a 22 MATH ACT score.

MATH 1410 Number Concepts for Teachers Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: ACT MATH 19
Co-Req: None
A conceptual and problem solving approach to sets, numeration systems, algorithms for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in the real number system, elementary number theory, relations and functions.

MATH 1420 Geometry Concepts for Teachers Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: ACT MATH 19
Co-Req: None 3 cr. hrs.
A conceptual and problem solving approach to combinatorics, discrete probability, descriptive statistics, informal solid and plane geometry, transformations, measurement, and coordinate geometry.

MATH 1530 Introductory Statistics Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: MATH ACT 19
Co-Req: None
Topics include basic statistical concepts, elementary probability theory, normal distributions and applications, statistical inference, regression lines, and correlation. Computer applications will be investigated throughout the course.

MATH 1630 Finite Mathematics Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: MATH ACT 19
Co-Req: None
Introduction to linear functions, mathematics of finance (interest, annuities, amortization), linear programming, matrix algebra, and probability with applications in each of these areas.

MATH 1710 Precalculus Algebra Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: MATH 1030 or MATH ACT 21
Co-Req: None
Topics include circles, functions and graphs with applications, polynomials and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions and applications, sequences, and series, systems of equations, matrices, determinants, binomial theorem.

MATH 1720 Precalculus Trigonometry Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: MATH 1030 or MATH ACT 21
Co-Req: None
Topics include circle measurement, trigonometric functions, identities,
equations, graphs, multiple angle formulas, right triangle trigonometry, laws of sines and cosines, complex numbers, vectors.

MATH 1730 Precalculus Credit Hrs: 4
Pre-req: MATH 1030 or ACT 21
Topics include graphs and graphing utilities, basics of functions and their graphs, linear functions and slope, transformations of functions, combinations of functions, composite functions, inverse functions, distance and midpoint formulas, circles, modeling with functions, complex numbers, quadratic functions, polynomial functions and their graphs, dividing polynomials, remainder and factor theorems, zeros of polynomial functions, rational functions and their graphs, polynomial and rational inequalities, modeling using variation, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, properties of logarithms, exponential and logarithmic equations, exponential growth and decay, modeling data, systems of linear equations in two variables, systems of linear equations in three variables, systems of nonlinear equations in two variables, systems of inequalities, linear programming, angles and radian measure, trigonometric functions and the unit circle, right triangle trigonometry, trigonometric functions of any angle, graphs of sine and cosine functions, graphs of other trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, applications of trigonometric functions, verifying trigonometric identities, sum and difference formulas, double-angle and power-reducing and half-angle formulas, product-to-sum and sum-to-product formulas, trigonometric equations, the law of sines, the law of cosines, polar coordinates, graphs of polar equations, complex numbers in polar form, DeMoivre's theorem, vectors, and the dot product.

MATH 1830 Applied Calculus Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: MATH 1710 or MATH ACT 23
Co-Req: None
Topics include limits; continuity, rates of change; differentiation of algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions; applications of the derivative, antiderivative, integrals, and methods of integration.

MATH 1910 Calculus I Credit Hrs: 4
Pre-Req: MATH 1710 and MATH 1720 or MATH ACT 23
Co-Req: None
Topics include functions and models, limits, derivatives, differentiation rules, applications of differentiation, antiderivatives, integrals, area, applications.

MATH 1920 Calculus II Credit Hrs: 4
Pre-Req: MATH 1910
Co-Req: None
A continuation of Calculus I. Topics include applications of integration, techniques of integration, arc length, surface area, liquid force, differential equations, infinite sequences and series.

MATH 2010 Introduction to Linear Algebra Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: MATH 1910
Co-Req: None
Topics include vectors, matrices, systems of linear equations, determinants, inverses of matrices, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors.

MATH 2110 Calculus III Credit Hrs: 4
Pre-Req: MATH 1920
Co-Req: None
A continuation of Calculus II. Topics include parametric equations, polar coordinates, conic sections, vectors, vector functions, partial derivatives, multiple integration, line integrals.

MATH 2120 Differential Equations Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: MATH 1920
Co-Req: None
Topics include first-order equations and applications, theory of linear equations, basic second-order equations and applications, Laplace transforms, and series solutions.