Dual Enrollment Registration

Ready to register for semester courses? DE students can submit course registration requests by emailing the High School Dual Enrollment & Middle College office at dual@jscc.edu.

In the email, please include the following information:

  1. Full Name, Date of Birth and J Number

  2. Phone Number & Email

  3. Current High School

  4. Semester (ex. Fall 2024)

  5. Course information:

    • Subject, Course Number and Title (ex. ENGL 1010 – English Composition I)

    • CRN (course registration number)

    • Instructional Format (Online/In-person/Flex)

    • Please include the Day/Time if In-person or FLEX

  6. Any additional information that may help with the registration process.

If you do not know some or most of the information requested above, submit the registration request email with the information you do know. We will respond once the request is processed, or if more information is needed.